ISO Certification
The quality management standard ISO 9001 is the most widespread and most important standard in quality management both nationally and internationally. It requires the documentation of all organizational structures and processes up to detailed process instructions, workflows and job descriptions in an integrated management manual. Subsequently, the conformity of the processes with the corporate reality is checked in a defined procedure.
The subsidiaries LPKF WeldingQuipment GmbH, LPKF SolarQuipment GmbH and LPKF Laser & Electronics d.o.o. have also been successfully certified. Proof of the successful application by LPKF was provided by 'Deutsche Zertifizierung in Bildung und Wirtschaft GmbH' or 'TÜV SÜD'.
LPKF Quality Policy
All activities of the LPKF Group are geared toward the success of its customers. All activities and decisions are aimed at improving the competitiveness of the Group’s customer base through technical advancement and efficiency gains.
Strengthening LPKF in the long term serves the interest of all customers, business partners, employees and shareholders. Management therefore emphasizes strengthening the Group’s innovation resources and ensuring profitability.